Family and friends,

You are on our hearts and minds during this holiday season. We are abundantly grateful for the friendship, encouragement, and prayers that you have provided my family and I over the years!


The Peters Family is Growing Through Foster Care!

As many of you may know, we had the privilege to welcome a little girl, “S”, into our home for long-term foster care the day before Thanksgiving. “S” will turn two the week of Christmas. November was a whirlwind month for the Peters family as we prepared her room, spent several days a week with her to allow for a smooth transition, and continued lots of conversations about our growing family with Kiana. “S” has been with us full-time for over a week now and the adjustment for both her and Kiana is going very well! We praise God for allowing us the opportunity to love “S” and we pray this leads to permanency in our home through adoption. Please pray along with us over future trial dates to determine the best future for “S” and for her comfort level to grow daily as she makes our house her home.

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Our First Indoor In-Person Gathering

After eight months of either meeting on Zoom, Facebook Live, or outdoors, we found a location to hold an indoor gathering on November 1! A huge praise is that we found a reasonably priced rental location for once a month on the first Sunday evening of every month for the next six months. Our prayers were answered! Our first indoor gathering saw almost 60 of us socially distanced inside a large indoor worship area, wisely able to follow necessary safety protocols. It was a beautiful, joy-filled time together as we praised God for His continued provision for our church plant and joined with the saints to study, sing, and pray the Word of God. We are grateful to say that we were able to gather in a healthy and safe way and we look forward to coming together again soon!

See in our “Prayer Requests” section of how you can pray for our second indoor in-person gathering which takes places this Sunday, December 6!

Prayer request:

Our Second Indoor In-Person Gathering This Sunday

This Sunday we will gather for our second indoor gathering at 4pm. We have approximately 50 people coming to our service, which allows for social distancing and other necessary safety protocols. We will continue our study in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:7-11 this week and greatly look forward to seeing the faces of our congregation again! We pray that the gathering will be refreshing to those that are stagnant, peace-filled for those battling anxiety, rejuvenating for the ones that are weary, encouraging to those needing gospel motivation, and life-changing for each one of us as we take the Word of God and apply it to our lives daily.

Would you please pray for:
- Our congregation to remain healthy
- Continued smooth partnership with the rental church location
- Hearts to be revitalized by the gathering of the church and for gospel impact in the daily lives of those who attend