Family and friends,

Thank you for your continual support, whether through praying or giving, of our church during this time. Read below to hear how our church is growing, celebrating, and praying over the month of October!


Celebration: One Year Anniversary Gathering

Our last outdoor gathering in September to celebrate the church’s one year anniversary was a great success! With about 70 people between two different services and social distancing protocols, it was life-giving to be able to see our church gather, sing together, and even take the Lord’s Supper. We had been unable to gather all together since March (six full months!) due to COVID-19 precautions closing our rental location and being unable to find an alternative space to meet. Our church is abundantly grateful that we finally got city approval for an outdoor permit to meet at a local park. We received such positive feedback from our congregation on our first outdoor gathering that we will be meeting again outdoors this Sunday! As one person said on our feedback form,

“[It was most encouraging] to see with my eyes in person the faithfulness of the Lord to take so little and make so much of it, and to celebrate the work that God has done in COAH Brighton WITH COAH Brighton. It's humbling.”

Challenge: Indoor Rental Location

While the lack of a permanent building can be a blessing, but it can also be a big challenge in unprecedented times like right now. Many other churches or community rental spaces are currently hesitant to allow other external organizations use their space due to COVID-19. We are actively reaching out for alternative solutions, especially once our outdoor options are limited due to the cold weather that is quickly approaching. Our church staff has found viable options for future indoor gatherings so please pray for our church as we look and plan for the winter.

Meeting indoors is something we are greatly looking forward to when the time comes, but it is also a lot to plan through as we consider rental prices, transportation access, available resources, technical needs, childcare restrictions, sanitation policies, effective communication, and so much more. Please pray for our church staff specifically as we consider the logistics of meeting together indoors and that we would continue to experience open doors for an indoor meeting location.

Prayer requests: Another Outdoor Gathering & Church Growth!

1. We received such positive feedback from our congregation about our first outdoor gathering that we will be meeting again outdoors this Sunday! One person in our congregation even wrote some feedback about our first outdoor gathering saying,

“Worshiping and taking communion together was really encouraging to my spirit, as well as just seeing each other's faces in person.”

Would you please pray for:

- Good weather
- Our congregation to remain healthy
- Our church would continue to receive favorable responses from the city for necessary permit approvals
- Attendees, and even neighbors in the local park where we will be gathering outdoors, to hear the gospel clearly and come to faith in Jesus


2. City on a Hill Church Brighton is growing! Our church has been fortunate in having several guests join us at our online services, whether through Facebook Live or Zoom. God is continuing to work powerfully in this city and, even in the midst of a pandemic and barriers to gathering in person, is still bringing new people to our church. Please pray for our guests to get plugged into the life of our church through Community Groups, which are small groups that meet online or socially distanced in-person throughout the week. Many of our new guests are even coming to our outdoor gathering this Sunday and have connected with a Community Group Leader or tried out a group. Pray specifically for CY, MT, LV, AO, MS, M, & R and for our church to minister well to them in this time.