Family and friends,

March and April have been busy months for us, both in ministry and personally! Below is an update on what’s been going on and some immediate ways you can pray for us and Boston. Thank you for taking the time to read this and pray.

What You Can Pray For:

1.  Community Easter Egg Hunt

Tomorrow, a local non-profit is hosting a community-wide Easter Egg Hunt for kids and families in our area. HUNDREDS of children show up to this event and is a great way to reach out to those in our community. Emily was asked by this local partner of ours if we would be willing to host a face-painting table and pass out information about our church. THIS IS BIG! We have asked you to pray for this particular partnership to grow and this is proof of the trust that has been built. Emily and I are extremely excited about this privilege. Not only is this a great opportunity to build relationships with others and grow a good reputation for our church, but we are praying for explicit opportunities to share Jesus at this Easter-based event. We want people to know the true meaning behind Easter is that Jesus is alive! On Wednesday, our Community Group put together 500 giftbags to pass out to the families and children that will attend this event. Each giftbag includes information about our church as well as a specific invitation to join us for Easter services and a card detailing the good news of Jesus within Easter.

Please pray:

1.  For good weather! This event happens rain or shine and, right now, the forecast is rain. A few people may still come out to the event, but the number will be drastically lower if the weather is not good.

2.  In the past we have had at least one family become a regular part of City on a Hill through events like these. Be praying for whoever that family may be!

3.   Many opportunities to share Jesus. We know this will be a great time to tell people that Easter is about how Jesus conquered sin and death and what that means for us!

 2.  Good Friday/Easter Services at CoaH Brookline

Good Friday.jpg

As for many of you, this weekend is packed full of great reminders of Jesus’ perfect life on our behalf, His sacrificial substitutionary death, and His powerful resurrection. And just like you we will be celebrating Good Friday tonight and Easter Sunday later this weekend together. As we celebrate Jesus’ amazing sacrifice on our behalf, though, Emily and I are heavily reminded that there are millions of people in Boston and its surrounding areas that do not know, care, or understand the beautiful gift of Jesus. Our hearts are broken for this city and the people that don’t yet know Jesus.


Pray that our friends and neighbors will come to these services and find and follow Jesus because they hear the good news clearly. Pray that the Spirit opens the eyes and hearts of those around us to hear and understand the truth of this Easter holiday, that Jesus is alive, powerful, and can save us from our sin. Also pray that these services will act as a fresh reminder to those that do believe of the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf and that we will act with urgency to tell others the good news.

3.  Strategy Community Group

We are getting closer and closer to the start of our church, City on a Hill Church Brighton! To prepare, we are hosting a weekly strategy Community Group on Sunday nights that focuses on specific ways to share the gospel with those around us. These weekly meetings are more than just evangelism training, but also are times to equip and re-center our hearts on the mission of Jesus. We are answering questions such as, “How do I share my own gospel story? What pocket of people do I feel specifically called to reach? In what ways can I utilize the platforms and spheres of influence I am in for the advancement of Jesus’ name?” This specific Community Group of approximately 20 people will meet through the end of May and will then multiply into two separate groups so that we can better reach our neighborhood with the love of Jesus. Please pray for our church planting launch team to be equipped to faithfully share the gospel with friends, neighbors, and others in our community. Pray that many people would find and follow Jesus through future Community Groups of City on a Hill Brighton.

Timeline Overview:

May 5: Preview Service

June 2: Preview Service

July 14: Preview Service

August 11: Preview Service

September 8: Launch Weekly Services for City on a Hill Church Brighton!


Update on Last Month:

1.   Vision Nights

City on a Hill Church Brighton hosted two Vision Nights in the last several weeks. These Vision Nights were a once a month evening gathering for those committed to or highly interested in joining City on a Hill Church Brighton. We had approximately 50 people attend each of these Vision Nights! The gatherings included a time of prayer, worship, evangelism training, fellowship, and more. Each meeting was set up to build a family culture amongst our church planting team by sharing a meal together, working through evangelism training guides in small groups, spending time praying throughout our future church meeting space, and much more. Our Vision Nights were a great prelude to what comes next: monthly preview services!

2.  Hickory Grove Volunteer Team

Emily and I say this frequently, but we could NOT do what we do here in Boston without the support (financial, prayer, people, and many other resources) our church partners have graciously given us. Each volunteer that visits Boston, catches the vision of what God is doing here, and comes alongside of us to serve our neighborhood is crucial to getting us one step closer to starting our church here and sustaining it beyond our launch date. The team of volunteers from Hickory Grove helped create storage space for our church plant supplies at our future meeting space at Brighton High School. Their help with organization, moving, cleaning and more also strengthened our partnership with the school and its staff by serving them during a busy season of the year. Every volunteer team gives us additional hands to accomplish the projects we need done but wouldn’t be able to do without the extra help.