Friends and family,

We are so looking forward to the month of February as we kick off the first of many steps towards launching our new church later this year! Read below for more information and ways to pray.

Last month’s answered prayers:

1.  Church Planting Team Expansion

Last month our church plant’s interest meeting was a great success with many considering joining us in the future and praying through next steps. Over the past several weeks we have had multiple conversations with these individuals and continue to meet with each person one-on-one. Please pray for:

·  Our personal wisdom and discernment as we help others determine next steps

·  The Spirit would lead each person to know what God would have them do in relation to our church plant

·  Trust and dependence on God that He will provide the people and resources we need to bring Him glory in our future church

 2.  New Semester for our College Community Group

Last night we had our first Community Group meeting for our college students, and it was great to get back into the swing of things after a long winter break. We have students ranging from freshman to seniors, from gap year students to graduate students. We love the mix and diversity in age and backgrounds that our group has, and we pray for that diversity to increase over the next few months. Our Thursday night Community Group generally consists of 8-12 students that meets weekly to discuss our lives, talk through a passage of the Bible, work through questions relating to that passage, and pray with one another over specific application. Pray for:

·  Unbelievers in our group to understand the good news of Jesus for life transformation, not just behavior modification

·  A deep longing for Jesus and a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him for our students that are believers

·  New students to join our group and hear the truths of the gospel

·  Openness and grace within our group discussion as we talk through hard topics

Ways You Can Pray for Us This Month:

1.  Our First Vision Night

Over the next three months, City on a Hill Church Brighton (our new church plant’s name) will meet once a month on a Sunday evening for a Vision Night. These Vision Nights are specific times set aside for our church planting team of 40-50 people to meet and pray together. We will spend time worshipping, praying over specific names and people groups we’d like to reach in our neighborhood, and simply spending time to grow in our relationships with one another. Each of these nights will meet in our church location at our local high school. We are excited to pray over each chair that will be used in our future Sunday morning gatherings and especially for the people that will one day use those chairs. Pray for:

·  Unity in vision and mission to reach Brighton

·  Initiative and desire to tell our friends and neighbors about Jesus

·  Health of our future church plant

 2.  Aaron Preaching Twice

City on a Hill Church (CoaH) is a network of neighborhood churches including a church in Brookline, Somerville, and eventually our new church in Brighton. This network has the distinct advantage of shared resources while maintaining specific church autonomy. One of those shared resources is a group of pastors willing and able to fill the pulpit as needed. I have the opportunity to preach at CoaH Brookline on February 10 and preach at CoaH Somerville on February 24. Please pray for:

·  Clarity as I speak and that the gospel would pierce our hearts with its truth

·  Those far from Jesus to hear His Word and come to faith in Him

·  Smooth sermon preparation

 3.  February Colborne Night

February 2019.jpg

This Sunday, the Jacobs (a couple from our launch team) is hosting a Super Bowl party for our friends and neighbors to watch the game together. Sporting events like these are a great opportunity to spend more time with others and have them be a part of our regular routine of life. Pray that:

·  Good conversations about faith will come from our time together

·  N, L, A, & F will see, experience, and know the love of Jesus in how we love them

·  Those gathered will continue having a deep desire for community and find that in the local church

Thank you for praying alongside of us; we look forward to seeing what God will do this month!