Prayer Partners,

We believe God moves through the power of prayer. Thank you so much for your continued support and encouragement as we walk this road of church planting.

For the month of June, would you labor alongside of us by praying for the following?

1. Pray for clarity, direction, and guidance for those considering moving to Boston with us.

Emily and I leave in just a little over two weeks to take our team of roughly 20 people on the vision trip for Boston. The goal of this trip is to help these individuals discern if God is calling them to move to Boston for 1–2 years to labor with us in sharing the gospel and establishing our church. We are very excited for this opportunity to go back to our future home and pray with those considering moving with us. Please pray for clarity, direction, and guidance for those going on the vision trip. Our time in Boston will be used for prayer walking, evangelism, and time with our partner church plant, City on a Hill. We are praying that the Lord will give a distinct peace as to what these members need to do personally in order to best glorify Him.

2. Pray for financial partners who are willing to offer a one-time gift or multi-year giving.

We are extremely excited and humbled to say that we are fully funded for our first year in Boston! This has been a huge blessing, as you can imagine. Emily and I have been reminded of the Lord's faithfulness throughout this process. We have had to truly practice our trust and dependence in Him. It has been sanctifying for us as we have been reminded of money's place in the ministry and mission of God. While finances are important and we should always be wise and good stewards with our money, the Lord has reminded Emily and I that He is not hindered by a lack, or even an excess, of finances. His ability to do great things is not the least bit dependent on our current state of resources. What a great reassurance for all of us as believers! With that said, as it takes several years to establish a church that is financially self-sustaining, we still need funding for the next several years. We are continuing to pray that local churches and our church members will financially join with us through one time gifts or monthly giving. Will you join us in praying for more financial partners?

Thank you for praying for each of these items. We greatly depend on you and are thankful for your intercession on our behalf!

- Aaron & Emily
