Prayer Partners,
Winter is in full swing and we are counting down the days until we get more snow in Boston! Emily and I pray that you and your families have a beautiful Christmas holiday. We are so thankful to share this season with our friends and neighbors as we celebrate the birth of our Savior!
1. A Fantastic Friendsgiving
Friendsgiving with 20-25 of our neighbors
Each Colborne Community Night we have more and more people show up that we haven’t had a chance to meet yet. This past month’s Friendsgiving was very well attended with approximately 20-25 people. Every neighbor pitched in by bringing a side dish or entrée (special shout-out to our neighbor Jeff who brought a MASSIVE turkey to our get together). We were able to share how thankful we are for great neighbors that are turning into friends and family to us and had the opportunity to pray over them and the meal. We ended the evening with apple cider and Catchphrase. Emily and I really enjoy any time we have with our neighbors and always look forward to our monthly community nights.
2. A Great Visit in Charlotte, NC
Emily and I were able to head back to Charlotte, NC for a wedding and for Thanksgiving week. Our first visit home since we moved several months ago. I had the privilege of officiating the Smith/Feeney wedding at Hickory Grove prior to spending the following week celebrating Thanksgiving with my family and Emily’s family. It was also a great blessing to worship with our sending church, Hickory Grove, while home. We are setting down roots in Boston, but it is always a sweet reminder to go home and see and feel the love of the army of people praying and supporting us in this journey.
3. College Christmas Party
Celebrating Christmas in our home with some of our college students and leaders
At the beginning of December Emily and I hosted an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party for our college students. With finals and several last performances (for our music students), many in our usual ministry couldn’t attend. Even though it was a smaller crew than we usually have, we were able to be more intentional with the students and leaders that did attend. What at first seemed like a backward step was really an opportunity!
4. Growing Relationships in Community Group
Emily and I meet weekly with a group of college and graduate students to share about our lives and study the Bible. This has been some of our most fruitful time as we see growth in everyone, including ourselves, within the community group. Not only are we growing in an understanding of the gospel and how we are now sent out with this message, but we are also growing in love and friendship with each other. This past week we had the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of one of our community group's attendees. We are praying for more open doors to share life with these students as we walk alongside of them through their college and graduate years here in Boston.
The flyer for our next Colborne Community Night
1. December's Colborne Community Night
On December 29 we will have our next Colborne Community Night! In less than two weeks we will celebrate Christmas and New Year's with our friends and neighbors. Emily and I pray for more opportunities to share the hope that Christ brings as well as celebrate Christmas with those closest to us here in Boston. With the busyness of life and ministry, these intentional monthly get togethers bring us together and create a culture of community. Please pray for more opportunities to spend with our neighbors, even outside of Colborne Community Nights.
2. Aaron Preaching on December 31st
City on a Hill church has actively prayed over and supported Emily and I through the establishment of their college ministry as well as our continued steps towards church planting. We have grown to love this church, its people, and their love for one another! Please be praying for me as I have the privilege of preaching for CoaH’s congregation on December 31st at 11am. I will be preaching from Proverbs and am praying the Lord will use this message to draw each of us nearer to Him. Emily and I will also be inviting friends, neighbors, and students to attend so please pray for each person to understand and respond to the gospel.
Thank you for your prayerful support of us! The fruits of your labor are being realized even now and we pray you have an opportunity to personally come to Boston and see it. There is a long road ahead and we wouldn’t be able to do this without the community that God has given us, so thank you!