Prayer Partners,
See how god worked last month!
October was a busy month of ministry and mission! Read below for the many reasons Emily and I are praising God.
1. We Hosted our 2nd Colborne Community Night
October 20 was our second Colborne Community Night where we hosted a time of free food and games with prizes to meet the neighbors within our apartment complex. In the city, it is easy to become isolated. However, Colborne Community Nights are designed to bring all of us together to foster community and build friendships with those we live directly beside and, so far, they have been a big success! Many of our neighbors that came to the first Colborne Community Night attended again, which is great encouragement. Emily and I also met several neighbors that we hadn’t had conversations with yet and look forward to seeing everyone again in the next few weeks. We also have created our apartment complex’s Facebook page and are seeing continued interest in future get togethers!
2. Parkwood Baptist Church in Gastonia, NC is Now an Official Partner
We are praising God for how He has continued to provide support through finances, resources, and prayer from churches and individuals! Boston is an expensive city and the work can be slow, so it is crucial to have the backing of the church to support the beginning years of a new church plant. Hickory Grove and Parkwood Baptist have certainly been those partners! Emily and I had a great time spent with other believers casting the vision of seeing Boston changed by the gospel of Christ. It is always encouraging to Emily and I to see the global work of Christ in different churches set on the same goal of reaching the world with the gospel.
3. College Students are Spending Time in our Home
In college life, it can be easy for students to be focused on studying for the next test or achieving future goals rather than the vision and mission of God to reach other college students. The College Party at our house last month was a time for students to meet other believers from a variety of universities and to be a safe place to bring students that don't yet know Christ. This party also served as a reminder and encouragement to do well in school, yes, but to also remember the bigger picture of gospel change on these college campuses. From this get together, Emily and I have had several students in our home again for intentional dinners to keep the conversations going. Many of these students feel alone on their campus, so we enjoy any chance to encourage them in their mission to reach friends that don’t know Christ.
4. Developing more relationships at City on a Hill's Church-wide Retreat
Moving to Boston meant leaving behind family, friends, and everything comfortable. Emily and I have been extremely fortunate in that God has blessed us with Hickory Grove's connection with City on a Hill Church. We were able to jump into church life to build new friendships and create a feeling of family with other believers in Boston. One of City on a Hill's values is community and one way they accomplish this goal is through their annual Church-wide Retreat. This was a very beneficial time for Emily and I to develop deeper relationships with those we see every week. The Lord is providing friendships and community while we use this next year to learn from CIty on a Hill how to church plant in Boston's post modern context.
5. North American Mission Board Orientation
In mid October, I was sent to the North American Mission Board Orientation in Alpharetta, GA for new church planters. This orientation, while very informative, was mainly a time for encouragement and affirmation in the call God has placed on our lives for church planting. It is too easy to fall into the trap of feeling like church plant strategy and mission is based solely on our shoulders when, in fact, we can do nothing outside of God's power. This orientation was used to refocus my mindset to rely on the Lord's power to do a great work in the city of Boston. I pray that He will use Emily and I greatly in the years ahead and know we must depend on Him for endurance, perseverance, and the salvation of those around us daily.
Emily and I have lived in Boston for almost three months and your prayers have continued to carry us. Thank you for your faithfulness to pray for us as we enter the winter season.
Winter in Boston means staying warm indoors and can lead to isolation within the city. We are praying that winter will be a time of community rather than isolation as we seek to spend time with our friends, neighbors, and college students by opening our home regularly to others.
1. Battle Isolation and Create a Culture of Community at Our Friendsgiving
Invitation to our next gathering on our newly created apartment Facebook page
Each month Emily and I host an apartment outreach called Colborne Community Nights. These nights are designed for us to get to know one another as neighbors within our apartment complex. On November 10 our neighbors will join Emily and I for a Friendsgiving potluck in our apartment. Pray for neighbors to attend and to enjoy a great night of friendship and community together that sparks further conversation!
2. Continue Community Group Momentum
Each week college community groups meet on Monday nights (Boston College students) and Thursdays nights (students at various colleges near downtown Boston). With the upcoming holidays and the year of school in full swing, please be praying for community group momentum to continue. Believers can’t adequately grow in their faith in isolation. The Lord created us to desire and yearn for godly community where we can learn more about Scripture and challenge one another to live out our faith. It is a temptation for any believer to lessen the importance of community, especially when exams, holidays, and many other activities want to take precedence. Pray that our college students would guard their time with the Lord and other believers and see the importance of gathering together.

Thank you again for your prayers. Emily and I recently read the verse below and immediately thought of our prayer partners. Thank you for being the prayers of many!
“You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.” 2 Corinthians 1:11