Hi family and friends,

2021 continued to be an unconventional year for ministry but we saw God move in some miraculous ways!


In the past year, we saw 4 people come to faith in Jesus through the direct ministry of City on a Hill (CoaH) Brighton!

-T, our property manager that Emily and I have personally known since we moved over four years ago
-B & C, a couple from our Community Group and close neighbors (they live on the street parallel to ours
-J, a close friend and regular attender of CoaH Brighton that got connected through a member of our church 

Prayer request for 2022: We are praying for 5 more salvations this year through the ministry of our church and its people.


In the past year, we baptized 4 people, our first baptisms as a church! After many conversations concerning the gospel and the symbol of baptism, we were excited to experience our first baptisms as a church. 

            -B&C, the married couple mentioned above in our list of recent salvations

            -J, a young believer that came to faith in Jesus in college

            -J, a young believer that came to faith in Jesus a few years ago

Each baptism was a time to celebrate each believer’s step of obedience and gave us the opportunity to pray over these believers and commit to walking alongside of them in their pursuit of Jesus in the coming years.  To see the full baptism of J, click here to view his testimony, baptism, and prayer time via our church Facebook page!

Prayer request for 2022: We are praying to baptize 5 more people this year. Pray also for J, J, B and C to be strengthened in their faith, encouraged to read the Bible daily, and striving for holiness through the community found in our church.

Kyle & Alexandra Tucker

We had the privilege of welcoming Kyle and Alexandra to our church family in the summer of 2021. Kyle was hired this past summer as a part-time Ministry Associate at our church. Kyle has been a great help in establishing leadership pipelines, coming alongside of us in providing care to our church congregation, and serving in a multitude of capacities, like our Kids ministry and our Community Groups ministry. Alex has been invaluable in getting to know the other women in our church, continually being hospitable with her time and her home, serving the Boston area through her full-time job in social work, and much more! We have been greatly blessed by the friendship and leadership Kyle and Alex have brought to Boston and, more specifically, to CoaH Brighton. 

Prayer request for 2022: Pray for Kyle and Alex’s endurance in ministry here in the city. The work in Boston can be slow and feel very draining at times. Pray they would be protected from ministry burn-out, that Emily and I would uniquely care for them as friends, and that they would continue to make Boston home. Also, pray for Kyle as he takes on more hours as a part of our church staff moving into a more full-time position as our Ministry Associate.

New Members & Member Party

In the last year alone, we affirmed 7 new members to become a part of the CoaH Brighton family! We were able to celebrate our growing membership through a member Christmas party to close out the year of 2021 together. Our members used this time to reflect on God’s goodness and faithfulness through our personal lives and in the life of our church. What a great testimony to God’s hand at work in this church and its people!

Prayer request for 2022: We have 12 more people already interested in becoming members of our church! We are extremely excited to walk through the membership process with individuals. Pray that our church and its members specifically would be beacons of the gospel in our city, quick to provide care and support to others, and uniquely gifted in living out our church’s core values: Gospel, Community, and Mission.

Shacerra’s Adoption

Our family is excited to announce that we had the privilege of adopting our youngest daughter, Shacerra, on November 19, 2021! Even though we met Shacerra on November 4, 2019, she did not move into our home as our foster daughter until November 25, 2020. We are beyond thankful that she will be a part of our family forever as Shacerra Lee Gabriella Peters. Thank you for your continued prayers for our growing family!

Prayer request for 2022: Pray for the gospel seeds we are planting in Kiana and Shacerra to grow into a deep faith in Jesus. Also, while we don’t yet know what is next for our family, we are trusting God as He continues to show His faithfulness and good plans through our sweet girls. 

As always, thank you for your support! We would not be able to do ministry and see such gospel transformation without your encouragement, prayers, and financial support!