Prayer partners,

Our church, City on a Hill – Brighton, is doing well in this season of uncertainty and waiting. We so appreciate your prayers and hope you’ll read through the requests below, including a personal update regarding K’s adoption date!

1.       Church Meeting Space

Our church regularly rents out our local high school’s auditorium and classrooms for our Sunday morning gatherings. However, since COVID-19, we have been meeting virtually. The Massachusetts governor has recently reopened the possibility of churches gathering, but our current meeting space at Brighton High School is still unavailable. Many of Boston’s public schools, including Brighton High School, are greatly limiting the amount of people that enter their doors as a precaution to the upcoming school year and the safety standards they will have to uphold then. Because of that, our church is still looking for a place to meet soon. Our congregation is slowly moving towards in-person Community Groups and hopes to gather on a Sunday morning soon. Please pray for the following:
-That our church will find a local meeting space that fits our needs and is feasible for our congregation (ex. Presentation School)
-Our congregation would continue to feel loved and cared for, even though we aren’t yet meeting in-person
-The ministries of the church would remain strong

2.       Kids Summer Adventure

Every year, the City on a Hill Church network hosts Kids Summer Adventure (similar to a Vacation Bible School) as an outreach to the children in our area. Even though COVID-19 changed many of our summer plans drastically, we will still be hosting Kids Summer Adventure as an at-home virtual event this year. From July 20-24, children will watch and participate in lessons, videos, crafts, and other fun and engaging ways to tell kiddos about Jesus. Please specifically pray for the below:

-The Lord would use the curriculum to speak to the kids participating
-The Gospel will be proclaimed in all the households for parents, grandparents, and others to hear
-The kids participating will hear the truth and love about Jesus and apply it to their hearts

3.       Personal Update: K’s Adoption Day!

Our family has great news! K’s adoption date has finally been scheduled and we couldn’t be more thrilled. We have known K since the fall of 2017, shortly after we moved to Boston, and have been her foster parents for over two years. To say we are ready for her adoption to be finalized is a huge understatement. We will have the adoption ceremony virtually since courthouses are still not open. Please pray that there will be no adjustments, changes, or delays to her adoption date this month. We have two more weeks to wait and we are all eager to have K legally be a Peters. Please pray along with us!