Friends and family,

Happy New Year! City on a Hill Church in Brighton is excited for the year ahead. We pray that 2020 will be a fruitful year of ministry where we see those in community come to know Jesus, experience our first baptisms as a church, introduce new members to our congregation, and grow in our missional efforts to share the name of Jesus in our area. Thank you for praying alongside of us!

Below are some additional ways you can pray:

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1.  Monthly Reading Plans

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This year our church will be doing a series of monthly reading plans to encourage consistent time in the Bible for our congregation. Within our church plant we have many non-Christians and young believers who don’t have a regular exposure to the Bible, so a yearly plan doesn’t always seem attainable or realistic for those getting started with regular quiet times. We pray these monthly reading plans will develop healthy habits of reading God’s Word in our church and will be spur our members to be challenged in their walk with the Lord. As a church, we will be reading through the book of Luke this month.

Pray for our members and attendees to have a daily intake of God’s Word through these monthly reading plans. Also pray for a deep desire for Scripture, and therefore a greater worship of God, to grow in each person attending City on a Hill - Brighton.

2.  Aaron Preaching at Student Conference

Next weekend I have the great honor and privilege of being the speaker for Uprising Weekend (similar to a Disciple Now) for the students of First Baptist Church in Fort Mill, SC. Emily and I are extremely thankful for great partners and friends like Derek Kiser and Taylor Braswell who invite us to be a part of their church and its students discipleship. Uprising Weekend will focus on the great exchange from 2 Corinthians 5:21, “For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Pray for students’ hearts to be softened to the good news of Jesus and for life transformation to happen within the student ministry at FBC-Fort Mill. Specifically pray that the great exchange of the gospel would clearly speak to every student, both believers and unbelievers, on how their daily lives can be changed by the righteousness provided by Christ. Please also pray for me as I continue to prepare my messages for next weekend as well as for clarity and boldness in preaching the truth of God’s Word!

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3.  Church-wide Family Meal

Our church-wide family meals have been such a success that we are going to continue them into the new year starting on Sunday, January 26! We have received great feedback about these family lunches right after church and are excited to see new relationships formed and deeper friendships grown each month.

These lunches have grown to be more than just a simple meal shared after our worship gathering once a month. We are seeing our congregation take the time to stay after service, sit by someone they don’t know very well, and engage in conversation over a family meal. These monthly meals have encouraged the family atmosphere of our church and has helped our seven individual Community Groups to interact with one another. Our monthly get togethers serve as a great reminder of who we are as a church: a family of missionary servants.

Pray specifically for “A” who is a new attendee of our church and hopes to get plugged in through one of our Community Groups as well as for “C” who is looking to make more connections with our church members after visiting our services three times.