Prayer partners,

You have supported and loved us so well over the past two years since Emily and I moved to Boston to see our friends and neighbors find and follow Jesus. Thank you for believing in us and for more importantly, believing in the work God has called us to do here in this city. The work has just begun, and we look forward to the many years of ministry ahead!

What to Pray for This Month:

1.  Final Preview Service TOMORROW


Tomorrow will be our final preview service before City on a Hill Brighton’s grand opening on September 8. These preview services have been very helpful as “test runs” for our future Sunday morning gatherings. We now have a smooth set-up and tear-down process, purchased any necessary Sunday morning items, and developed an order of service that is gospel-centered and Bible-focused. Because our preview services are meant to work out any kinks before opening to the community, these services have not been advertised to the public yet. Even still, we have had several unbelievers come to each preview service! Be in prayer for the unbelievers that may attend tomorrow: an agnostic Chinese student, a future city councilman, a family of Boston natives, and others.

Pray for:

-Any unbelievers that attend would come to know Jesus!

-Final details to come together as we prepare for our grand opening next month


2.  The Big Move on September 1

Big Move.jpg

Boston is a very transient city with approximately 30% of the city turning over each year. That entire city transition almost exclusively happens the weekend of September 1 due to rental agreements ending/starting at that time. Thousands of people move into the city on September 1, which is why it is called “The Big Move”. City on a Hill Church has found that weekend to be a vital time in serving our neighbors and making connections with those in our area. We equip teams of church members and volunteers to go out into the community and move our neighbors into their new apartments. Through The Big Move, many people become aware of our church, get plugged into our Community Groups, and hear about Jesus for the first time.

Ways you can pray for September 1:

-The love of Jesus to be displayed and declared clearly while we serve the community

-Individuals to be plugged into the life of the church, especially Community Groups, from new relationships built during move-in time

-Safety for our teams as we move in hundreds of people up/down flights of stairs and sometimes in small spaces

3.  Movie Night Follow-Up


By the end of this summer City on a Hill Church in Brighton will have hosted five movie nights! These movie nights are a very effective way to build goodwill in the community, meet our neighbors, and allow individuals to learn more about our church and express interest in additional spiritual conversations. Each movie night has between 200-300 people or more that attend, which means we have a great opportunity in sharing and showing the love of Jesus. From our movie nights this summer, we have had more than 30 people express interest in more conversations about Jesus. We have also had a family of believers get plugged into our church and have had a family of unbelievers become regular attenders of our Community Group. Just last night we had approximately 200 people attend!

As we follow-up with those who attended our movie nights, please pray for:

-Individuals who expressed interest in attending a Life Explored course this fall (a discussion-based program that explores the foundational truths of the Christian faith)

-Continued open doors in the community to more explicitly share the good news of Jesus

-Growth in the community’s trust of us as we serve like Jesus has served us

Stay tuned for more updates about our grand opening on September 8!