Prayer partners,

This last month has been a busy one and we have loved the summer weather as we spend time with our community, neighbors, and friends. Read below for the highlights of this past month.

See What God Has Done!

1.  4th of July Cookout

Emily and I had the opportunity to spend the 4th of July with friends and neighbors and what a good time we had! We believe in being a family with those around us and, as a family, we eat together and celebrate together. As a family, we also invite others to join our family and be a part of this special community that God has created for us. The 4th of July was a perfect time to get everyone together and invite neighbors and new friends. One thing Emily and I have learned here in Boston is that spending time with others doesn’t have to be compartmentalized. Invite people into the everyday rhythms of your life and see how God works through that!

2.  Pav Family is Here!

The Pav family is settled and enjoying Boston! They have begun making friends with neighbors and we are so thankful they are here. We had several friends moving in the Pav family, including non-Christians, international students, and members from City on a Hill. The Pav’s will be living in the Oak Square area of Brighton that will allow us to intentionally reach young families around them. Breckon will be serving as an Emergency Room doctor and Stephanie will be doing ministry with her children and other moms around her. We are very excited to have them on our team and here in Brighton!

3.  Waiting on Court Decision for Baby K


Baby K is growing so fast! We see a marked difference in her development over the past several months as she gets closer to turning two years old in the fall. Her trial is finished, but the judge has 60 days to make a final decision for baby K’s custody. Emily and I are battling anxiety and worry, but we know that this decision is not out of God’s control. We also know that God loves baby K far more than we ever could. Please continue praying for baby K’s case to come to a swift conclusion and that she will be permanently settled in a safe and loving home.

What You Can Pray For:

1.  Parkwood Volunteer Team

Parkwood Church in Gastonia, NC sent a volunteer team to help us with several projects. The team arrived on Wednesday and will be with us until Sunday. They have certainly been busy! Each volunteer team builds upon each other. For example, a previous volunteer team prayed over the Brighton Common area. The next team served as we did a Movie in the Park in Brighton Common. We met a family from a local housing development called Faneuil Gardens that evening who are now coming to church and having faith conversations with us. This team will be helping us with a Unity Day community event hosted at Faneuil Gardens! Every team builds upon the work of the people that came before them. Not only is Parkwood serving with our Community Day at Faneuil Gardens, but they have also helped with Kids’ Summer Adventure props, led five different service projects at Brighton High School (a local school we are building a partnership with), prayer walking key areas in Brighton, and setting up City on a Hill Brookline’s Movie in the Park. We cannot emphasize enough how important each team is and not just for what they do, but for what they pray for throughout their time with us.

2.  Community Day at Faneuil Gardens


Brighton alone has six government housing developments within its four-square miles. Tomorrow, July 14, we will be a part of Faneuil Gardens' Community Day, which is a day that brings local partners together to serve the families of that specific development. City on a Hill Brighton will have volunteers to pass out free food, lead games and prizes for the kids, and to talk with families and hand out information about our church. We look forward to spending this Saturday serving in our community! Pray for opportunities to invite people to church and specifically to share the good news of Jesus with those we meet. Pray that we will show the love of Jesus to the children and families at this development by giving freely as Jesus gave to us.

3.  Matt and Jordan Daniels & Dan and Kelly Jacobs

The last two families from our church plant launch team will be moving up at the end of this month. To say we are excited is an understatement. Both couples are highly gifted with people, sharing the good news of Jesus, and opening their homes to the community. They will be using their jobs in IT, education, the medical field, and accounting/finance as platforms to share the good news of Jesus in word and deed in Boston. Please pray for smooth transitions as they move away from family and friends and get settled in Boston, last minute details for packing and housing, and for peace that God will provide every step of the way.

Thank you for praying with us! We look forward to all that is up ahead this next month.
