Now What?

Emily and I just arrived to Boston this past Monday and there is a LOT to do. So, now what?

It helps to break down our ministry plan into measurable goals and this blog post will specifically focus on our strategy to reach college students. (Stay tuned for next month’s blog post “Now What?: Part 2,” which will focus on reaching our neighborhood and apartment.)

There are over 250,000 college students in Boston. That’s 250,000 gospel opportunities spanning over 150 different nationalities. If we reach them, we can reach this city, the nation, and the world for Christ.

Our overall vision for college ministry in Boston is to:

Make, mature, and multiply disciples at Boston College and Boston University.

To accomplish that vision, we have 5 goals plus a few examples for each:

1.       Launch fall plan and schedule for college ministry

  • August:
    • Boston College move-in on August 23 and 25 (first year and returning students)
    • Meet college students connected with City on a Hill church
  • September:
    • Start a College Community Group that will meet each week at our apartment
    • Monthly outreach gatherings: Cook-outs, movie nights, game nights, etc.
    • Boston University move-in on September 2
  • October - December: 
    • Community Group each week at our apartment
    • Thanksgiving dinner specifically for international students
    • Christmas party

2.      Establish a leadership pipeline for college ministry

  • Create a mentoring process for church members to invest in college students
  • Systematically disciple students and plug them into the new college community group

3.       Partner with campus ministry staff (IV, Cru, Bridges, and FCA)

  • Meet with campus staff and attend campus meetings
  • Assist in campus ministry initiatives

4.       Build discipling relationships with Christian college students

  • Meals and coffee on campus and at our home
  • Study parties on campus and at our home

5.       Outreach to non-Christians on campus

  • New Student Outreach Week through IV and Cru
  • Partner with campus ministries, including movie nights, game nights, and care packages
  • Meals and coffee on campus or at our home with students we meet through on campus outreach

Be praying for these opportunities as we seek to further the gospel mission in Boston among college students in connection with City on a Hill church. Emily and I are praying that by God's grace we can make, mature, and multiple disciples at Boston College and Boston University.